Superintendency (ASC)
Advanced Studies Certificate
Advance your leadership or AEA career with hands-on experience and award-winning faculty
- Next cohort begins: January 2026
- Application opening soon!

Primarily Online | 33 Credits | 2 Years
- Designed for individuals seeking endorsement in the state of Iowa as a superintendent or AEA administrator
- Performance-based program that it minimizes class time and maximizes on-site skill development; you'll also be able to work with a lead mentor and mentors with special expertise
- You'll gain hands-on experience through an internship where work products and skills are developed
Here to Help
As a UNI Online & Distance Education student, you’ll have a dedicated Enrollment Contact and Program Coordinator to assist you with registering for classes, navigating the course sequence and billing process, preparing for graduation, and much more.

Sharon Dentlinger
Program Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Practice, Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
Janelle Finke
Enrollment Contact
Request Information
Delivered Primarily Online
Courses in this program are offered Wednesday evenings during the fall and spring semesters via interactive video conferencing. The first spring and both summer sessions include an engaging, short on-campus experience. Courses are supported online using eLearning, a Blackboard learning management system requiring Internet access and a web browser.
View the course sequence:

UNI's ASC Superintendency program:
- Program requirements and outcomes based on the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP)
- Cohort delivery model — study with the same group of adult learners for the duration of the program
- You can expand your possibilities, and by enrolling in this program, you may also be able to apply for UNI’s Doctor of Education (EdD) program

Individualized Support Services
Throughout every step of your program, you'll have a dedicated team of support staff ready to assist you. You'll also have access to UNI services such as:
- Personalized academic advising
- Support from Financial Aid, Career Services and Rod Library staff
- Academic support and tutoring opportunities from the UNI Learning Center
- Access to student accessibility services and staff
- Technical support assistance

Delivered Primarily Online
Courses in this program are offered Wednesday evenings during the fall and spring semesters via interactive video conferencing. The first spring and both summer sessions include an engaging, short on-campus experience. Courses are supported online using eLearning, a Blackboard learning management system requiring Internet access and a web browser.
View the course sequence:

UNI's ASC Superintendency program:
- Program requirements and outcomes based on the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP)
- Cohort delivery model — study with the same group of adult learners for the duration of the program
- You can expand your possibilities, and by enrolling in this program, you may also be able to apply for UNI’s Doctor of Education (EdD) program

Individualized Support Services
Throughout every step of your program, you'll have a dedicated team of support staff ready to assist you. You'll also have access to UNI services such as:
- Personalized academic advising
- Support from Financial Aid, Career Services and Rod Library staff
- Academic support and tutoring opportunities from the UNI Learning Center
- Access to student accessibility services and staff
- Technical support assistance

Required Application Materials
Along with the application, students must submit:
- applicant statement, including a brief statement of personal motivation to seek an administrative leadership position or advanced professional development in the area of educational leadership
- two-page academic essay focusing on the topic "Leading Learning, Service, and Change in a PK-12 School District" (typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point type)
- resume providing educational background, leadership/teaching/work experiences, professional development activities/professional memberships, and related activities, such as community involvement, other work with students/adults, etc.
- two recommendation forms (at least one from an administrator who is knowledgeable about your performance and leadership potential)
- official transcripts, sent directly to the UNI Office of Admissions
Upon receipt of a completed application portfolio, the applicant's portfolio will be reviewed:
- In order to be admitted to the Superintendent Program, applicant must have (or will have upon completion of the program) five years of educational experience (three of which have been as a building principal or other PK-12 district wide or AEA administrative experience).
- An admission status recommendation will be determined by the Educational Leadership faculty.
- The Educational Leadership faculty recommends admission to the Department Head for concurrence and approval.
- Admission decisions will be made each year by mid-December.
This program meets the licensure requirements for the state of Iowa. For all other states and U.S. territories, please review our Professional Licensure Information page to determine if this program does or does not meet your state's licensure requirements.
Express Interest
Complete our online information request form. We'll send program updates, important information, and application deadlines directly to your inbox!
Apply now
Along with the application, students must submit the required additional application materials listed above.
Contact Us
Our team of support staff is available to help you throughout your UNI journey.
Contact us at 319-273-7206 or for assistance!
Delivery of this program is contingent on a sufficient number of students being accepted into the program.
In general, students complete the full set of courses outlined in the program. It is possible to transfer a limited number of graduate credits. However, this credit must meet the following criteria:
- Course must be a regular graduate course with a graduate course number (not professional development or college credit through an Educational Agency or conference).
- Course must be taken by the student in graduate status, and the official transcript must show a grade of B or better earned.
- Course must be applicable as a graduate requirement at the institution where it is taken.
- Course must be taught by regular graduate faculty.
- Course must meet the UNI seven-year recency requirement.
- Academic departments will determine whether or not they wish to accept transfer credit even if it meets the above requirements. These criteria were established to prevent credits not intended for use toward graduate degrees (i.e., Area Education Agency/professional development credits) from being used to meet UNI degree program requirements.
Please check with the program coordinator about specific situations.