Early Childhood Education Online Transfer Program (BA) - Summer 2025 Cohort
Early Childhood Education Online Transfer Program (BA) - Summer 2025 Cohort
Tentative Course Sequence
The course rotation below is a sample and may differ depending on the cohort and any prior courses that you have taken.
Consult with an academic advisor to create a plan tailored to your prior coursework and desired workload.
Prerequisite Courses
- EDPSYCH 2068 Development and Learning in Sociocultural Contexts (3)
- LITED 1044 Children’s Literature (3)
- TEACHING 2020 Introduction to Teaching (or equivalent)
Summer 2025
- EDUC 2301 Teaching Methods l: Infant/Toddler Curriculum and Early Intervention (3)
- EDUC 2401 Teaching Internship l: Infants/Toddlers (3)
- ELEMECML 3149 Child, Family, School and Community Relationships (3)
- SOCFOUND 2119 Social & Cultural Foundations of Education (3)
- SPIE 3150 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in Classrooms (3)
Fall 2025
- EDPSYCH 3109 Development and Assessment of Young Children (3)
- ELEMCML 4151 Early Childhood Curriculum Development and Organization (3)
- LRNTECH 3600 Technology, Pedagogy and Learning in the Digital Age (3)
- MATH 1204 Mathematical Reasoning (3)
Spring 2026
- ELEMCML 4130 Guidance and Instruction in Early Childhood Education (3)
- ELEMCML 4192 Field Experience and Seminar in Early Childhood (2)
- LITED 3115 Methods of Teaching Early Literacy (3)
- MATH 2204 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers II (3)
- SPIE 4148 Assessment of Young Children and Families with Exceptionalities (3)
Summer 2026
- ELEMECML 4162 Administration and Advocacy of Early Childhood Programs (3)
- LITED 3119 Language Development and Emergent Literacy (3)
- MATH 3204 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers III (3)
Fall 2026
- MATH 3203 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (3)
- EDUC 3523 Teaching Methods ll: Teaching Elementary Science (3)
- EDUC 3524 Teaching Methods ll: Teaching Elementary Social Studies (3)
- EDUC 3602 Teaching Internship ll: Elementary Methods (3)
Spring 2027
- EDUC 4132 Early Childhood Teaching (12)
Additional Teacher Education Requirements:
Minimum 9 credits in sciences from three different areas:
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth/Space Science
Students have the opportunity to add a Social and Emotional Learning minor in consultation with their academic advisor.